Hyundai Tractor Manual Does Anybody Have A Hyundai Tiburon Clutch Problem? How Did You Fix It?

Does anybody have a Hyundai Tiburon Clutch problem? How did you fix it? - hyundai tractor manual

I have a 2004 Hyundai Tiburon GT with a 6-speed manual transmission. 27.000 miles in the factory clutch went. The service department told me Fayetville NC Hyundai "seems to be commentators PRITTY thats about 30,000 miles. &" They (the clutch) concidderd an element of consumption and not covered by warrienty "The estimate was at 1900 to fix.
I have found in a high-performance clutch and pressure plate in a store's local transport $ 1400 Then the clutch went to 31,000 miles (4,000 in the clutch again).
I own a truck and trailer and receives 750.000 miles on my truck big claws, so I know I'm not usually a bad clutch.


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